Karen Larsen was the first of two speakers describing the program underway to reduce issues like drug or alcohol abuse among Benzie County youth.


The Iniative's first step was to enroll members including the Sheriff, the local schools and Centra Wellness Network (among many others) committed to getting ahead of the problem. Centra Wellness Network Safenet Prevent Specialist Lisa Tiesworth worked with the Benzie County Commission to secure a $52,000 grant to get materials to implement "Communities That Care," a program developed by the University of Washington.  
Under the Communities That Care blueprint, the group develops a community profile, creates a plan, implements the plan and evaluates the results.  Thus far surveys have been taken in local schools, data is being analzyed and training is underway.  On June 16th there will be a town hall meeting at Mills Community Center in Benzonia to select and vote on risk factors and discuss long-term funding.